Monday 4 March 2013

The Rocksteady Gospel According to Jimmy Two-Tags

As you know, this rocksteady caper started in London. 

Where else?

Yes those plucky inventive late Victorians introduced it as a remedy to alleviate the symptoms of common ailment of the time, thrombosis of the sphincter muscle.  It was very popular and seemed to be a powerfully effective cure for a very troublesome and embarrassing syndrome.

Then, some seventy years later those cheeky Jamaicans nicked it and made it their own, gave it a touch of je ne sais quoi and a one drop beat.  It was said that a certain ‘Doctor Rodney’ – who apparently had an interest in history, so knew all about the Victorians - introduced it to the Island during a severe heat wave as a remedy for dehydration as it was good for slowing down the metabolism and allowing the user to take on board more fluids whilst partaking in a course of rocksteady. 

Now when people ask me how it is that the Undetectables manage to sound somehow slightly different to anything else that’s out there, I eloquently recite this little historical tale and explain in precise terms that the Undetectables are of course London boys who know their history and consequently the only firm to utilise and pay homage to both the Victorian and Jamaican styles of rocksteady, yes there was a band of brigands north of the river who tried a similar thing.  Late Georgian Londoners invented a thing called Ska which those cheeky Jamaicans nicked when the whole Island was overcome with a dose of the shits!  Those seven herberts from north London utilised both styles of Ska to come up with their own sound, but the Undetectables are the only officially registered purveyors and prescribers of miracle cure Cockney Rocksteady, a powerful placebo for every ailment and affliction known to man. 

And that right there John is the bleedin’ truth and I aint lying nor nuffink mate!  Oi! Oi!     

Jimmy Two-Tags

The Cockney Rocksteady EP will be The Undetectables next vinyl release, as yet we have no label, contact me if you have a label and would be interested